Cuteki cute

Senin, 07 Mei 2012

It's My Friendship =D FIERRA


F = Fatimah (That’s me)

I = Inge

 E = Etik

R = Rinats

 R = Rosalia

 A = Afra

Eh... ada proklamasinya lho:

Fierra’s Proclamations
No Problem what the people’s say. Many kind trouble come to us, but we must handle our self. Angry, sad, happy, cry is our life. We Hope since we know each other, since the’FIERRA’ is already born, untill now, untill next day, and forever, this friendship always be there!!!

 hehe... that's my friendship, what about you?

Nb: picture animenya aku buat sendiri, buat yang mau mbuat juga, buat aja di anime maker 2 ya, tenang aja online kog, jadi ga'perlu install dulu!

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